So incredibly mad


So my fiancé and I are eloping Saturday. We have been together 7 years have a 1 year old due with our second in October. He just proposed 4 months ago. So he wanted a big wedding (he wanted to take a ton of chairs to the lake which I thought was trashy) so we discussed eloping for many reasons. My mom is mentally ill and we are not on good terms right now so I didn’t want her at my wedding but felt wrong to not invite her. I loose my insurance in January and have a medical condition that requires very very expensive lab draws frequently (we are talking 8k a draw every 6weeks to 6 months) I NEED his insurance and can’t afford mine through work. I think weddings are so over priced and we don’t have much money. And I was stressing thinking about planning and having a baby.

So he grudgingly went with the elopement isn’t very happy about it but understands. Well his mom and sister are pissing me off they won’t stop making negative comments about it and every fucking time they do he gets upset with the elopement. Well we made it to where we are doing it (like 5 hours from home) and his mom texted me at like 3 saying she wants to come and can be down if we say yes. So I tell her for the fucking millionth time no. Then at 7 she texts him the same thing which caused a huge fight between us bc now he is super upset that she wants to come so bad and we won’t let her. I think it’s absolutely fucking bull shit she keeps doing this. My dad who gave us money to help us do this was like nope I fully understand and support this choice of course it makes me so sad I can’t be there but i see it is the best this way. I don’t understand how my family can be sad and supportive and his is harassing and causing issues between us.

I could also honestly see her showing up and my fiancé will be like she came all this way let her stay and I will fucking explode and be like no she crossed a fucking line I fucking told her no she drove all this way for nothing bc of her there will not be a wedding bc I will not marry you angry with each other.