Lesbian hit on me

Omg omg I’m basically married to a man. He’s abusive but we have a daughter. Working on leaving. But a lesbian chick straight up told me “your eyes are perfect. Your lips would look great on mine.” Omg so hot. Whaaat? I’m so excited lol. My life has been terrible for so long. What do I do? I’m like a kid in hopped up on candy. I don’t know if I’m a bisexual? I think I might be a lesbian? I don’t know

Edit: I’m terrible with flirting. I was so thrown off I said “Smooth haha” she was like heartbroken. But I was like no literally you were smooth 😬😁. Awkwardly I told her “I had to go and we’ll talk tomorrow. “ I’ve never had someone come on so strong. The father of my daughter and I are having a hard time, but figuring things out. I’ve always been into women, but I’ve never been with one. I’ve only been with this guy since we were 14.