Acne and the pill


In advance id like to apologize for this being so long, it was the best way i could explain what’s going on and would really like some good advice on if i should change my current birth control pill or keep it the same.💗💗

Hi, so i’m 15 and i have currently been taking birth control for maybe about 1 year or more years because i have such long heavy periods that last weeks and because i have such severe acne. maybe last year i started taking bc and it was meant to stop my period for 3 months and it did but my flow was just so strong that i was having my periods while taking the pill which wasn’t supposed to happen. i also was noticing break outs but it was hard to tell if it was the pill that was doing that or not because sometimes my skin looked fine and sometimes it didn’t and my skin is also very sensitive to dairy so when i eat it i have super bad white head breakouts that leave scars and sometimes the dairy doesn’t do anything but then in a couple weeks it does which could be a late reaction or something? i also try to stay away from dairy but it’s literally inescapable ITS IN EVERYTHING DELICIOUS! but anyways i stopped taking that type of pill because it wasn’t stopping my periods, then i started on a new birth control medication that was stronger and was told to be “better for acne” and i notice the same things, sometimes my skins really bad sometimes it’s not (and there’s still the dairy problem which i try so hard not to eat but its my life) and it’s been helping me to not start my periods and so far i haven’t had my period in about a 6 months just spotting sometimes. but today even though i took my pill i started my period and it was about a medium flow but idk because it might stop tomorrow or might not. I just have one day left in the package of pills i have rn and my mom has to go pick up the 3 month packages from the pharmacy tomorrow and idk if she’s paid for it yet but i have to ask. and idk if i should change pills again cause what if it makes my period worse cause of the hormone changes or makes me gain weight or doesn’t work on my acne but stops my period or works on my acne and stops my period? ugh its just so hard cause idk if it’s the pill messing up my face.