Working mama's/Mum guilt?


Asalamoalaikum all. I pray everyone's in the best of health and imaan InshAllah.

I'm due in Sept 2018 InshAllah, our first baby Alhamdulillah! I'm working full time at the moment and will most likely continue until the end of my 8th month. I'm very lucky to have supportive managers who are absolutely fine with me having a year off of work InshAllah.

I'm so excited to have time off of work and be with our baby InshAllah! However, I wanted some advise from all you mama's out there. Have any of you returned to work after maternity, or thinking of returning/starting work at some point with your bubbas still being small? If you have returned to work, did you have mum guilt?! And did it disappear eventually?

We had our 20 week scan yday and Alhamdulillah every thing went as well as we couldve hoped for! I honestly love baby so much more than I've loved anything in my life (soz hubby) and it's not even here yet! It's daft to even think about mum guilt before baby has even arrived, I know, but I'm really worried about being a bad mum because I'll be returning to work and leaving him at home for a few days a week 😓😅

Any thoughts and advise from working and stay at home mama's is much appreciated 😊 xx