Okay so my best friend (13) had unsafe sex w/ a guy right around ovulation day (she’s young and kind irresponsible and it’s really stupid of her I know but don’t come @ me I’m not her mom I only knew afterwards) the guy didn’t cum and says he doesn’t have precum but that’s obviously bs. She already went through this drama once where she didn’t even really have sex but a guy came on her vag and her period was late and she had to take pregnancy tests. It’s not near her period right now and when she’s late I’m going to buy a pregnancy test and if it’s positive I’ll get her an abortion pill (if she wants that)because she’s too scared to do that herself. (I’m also gonna buy her a ton of condoms bc 2 times really?) but is there anything else I can do because I don’t know how to deal with this and I really need some tips.

I also know that most sperm gets killed in the vag but around ovulation day is really risky and I’m also scared she has an std or something, please help me!!