Can’t do it anymore!

Shannon • 20 years old, 5 year relationship, PCOS, TTC. God doesn’t give you more than you can handle!!! ♥️♥️♥️💛💛💛

I’m just a 20year old women in this world struggling. I have pcos and fibroids and endometriosis. I have a period every 5 days that lasts for a week and a half. It’s so depressing. I am always emotionally and physically drained and it’s hard to imagine my life ever being normal again. I have determined I won’t have children from my womb, I won’t ever have energy like I use to, I will be in pain everyday of my life and the only relief I can get is to have a hysterectomy which they won’t do even though I beg. I just can’t do it anymore. I want to live a normal life. I have lost all hope in doctors because they can’t do anything to help me. I’m just lost and frustrated. God please help me.