Comfort nursing


I have a three week old, and tonight has been the hardest night I’ve had with her. I’m a single mom and this is my first child so I’m looking for any advice I can get. My daughter has not stopped fussing all night. I know she has gas, and I tried giving her gripe water which didn’t help and then some infant gas drops. I have tried burping her, rocking her, singing to her, skin on skin, using a pacifier. I’ve changed endless diapers tonight, swaddled her, you name it. I’m sitting here crying and feeling completely defeated because nothing is working but putting her to my boob. She is solely breastfed and ate, but the only thing to get her to calm down is to put her to my breast again. She will suckle then calm down and fall asleep. I take her off after awhile to burp her and lay her down and she fussed again. It’s a huge cycle tonight and I feel like a complete failure. Does anybody have any other suggestions. I can’t just leave her on my boob all night 😔