boyfriends baby momma


So I would like to explain a little bit of my story and get some feedback on my situation.

My high school sweetheart and I lost touch (its a long story) after we were no longer in contact he ended up getting a girl pregnant and married her because of it. Meanwhile I had a baby of my own. Fast forward 5 years my relationship with my sons father was over. We are civil and co-parent very well together. I love the relationship we have created as parents to our child. My (now) boyfriend got back in touch with me because his (Ex) wife cheated on him with his best friend and abandoned him and their two kids.

When I came in the picture she had gotten in a relationship with his brother. (Who by the way is on meth and is a drunk and I have witnessed him beat his kids and their mom back in the day. Let's just say hes no one that needs to be around children) From the start all Jason (my man) ever asked was that she not take the kids around his brother. She of course was pissed about it and we are currently near the end of a horrible custody battle and divorce.

Now that you have a little back story my issue is MY child. She has sent her boys home after her visitation with toys, candy, juice, ETC. and specifically told them they are NOT to share with MY child. I told her if they cant share then shes not to send stuff to my house, she does EVERY time anyway. The kids are 4, 5 and 6. She also told the kids I'm not their step mom and i never will be because that would break her heart to pieces. When they said that to me I simply told them no I am not your mom but I do love you both just as much as I love Mason (my son) and I told them they dont ever have to call me mom if they don't want to. I know shes trying to cause problems in my relationship and I'm trying to stay strong but I feel as if she is intentionally attacking MY CHILD! And my inner MOMMA BEAR says DESTROY her! But that wouldnt fix anything. I just dont want to watch my child be treated unfairly anymore! When we first got together the kids were all bestfriends they loved each other. Now they are constantly trying to leave Mason out and make him feel unwanted in his OWN home! Please help me...