Babymaking Box

Momma K

Here's a little backstory, my love and I are both 19, we have been together for 4 1/2 years, and we have been talking about having kids together for a very long time.

So today I put together a babymaking box.

It has:

40 OPK strips(and a different brand of them in our bathroom)

10 HGC strips


3 First Response Pregnancy Tests

14 Softcups


Basal body thermometer

A planner journal

So hopefully within the next few mlooponths we will have a little one on the way. I am too excited for this. My love has been so so so supportive and has been helping me remember to take my prenatals, to take opks, check cm, and hes actually using glow too. He is so supportive and excited to start a family, and any nerves that I had are completely gone. I love him more than anything in the world and I cant wait to see what a great dad he will be.