
Ok I really don’t understand what’s going on but... I was diagnosed with PCOS a month ago now and I’m coming to turns with it and trying to overcome it. But... so many people I know that have/had pcos suffers really badly with missing periods for MONTHS or long period cycles, apparently the cysts come out with your periods.

I’m so confused onto what systems I have?

My periods were very bad over 6 months ago but since I stopped taking parental vitamins like folic acid my cycles have been FULLY ON POINT, 28 days without fail!! ( I know folic acid isn’t suppose to interfere with your cycles, but trust me... they do with mine, EVERYTIME I start a new course it sends my periods on some crazy rollercoaster, I couldn’t tell if I was late or early) so I stopped taking them and my periods went back to normal for 6 months straight.

I have even come on today on cycle day 28 and the app says I was supposed to come on on the 4th. I feel the twinges when I’m suppose to ovulate all though I was told I didn’t ovulate two months ago. I’m just so confused on what statistics are saying verses what my body is saying.

Anyone with the same issues I would love to here from you, also if there are any fertility specialists that happen to see my post I would love to get an insight of what could really be wrong with me to why I can’t get pregnant 🤰PLEASE HELP ME 😢
