Polyhydraminos delivery


I was 35 weeks 3 days when I delivered my beautiful baby boy, I was scheduled to be induced at 37 weeks May 7th. But he decided otherwise. I had 40 cm of fluid and was 2 cm dilated. I was in fear of my water breaking 24/7. I had contractions for 5 days straight. On the day before I delivered I went to the doctor and told her I was miserable. I was having constant contractions but they were changing my cervix. She told me if the pain got to the point my meds (visterile) wasn’t working to go to labor and delivery. Well that Tuesday I went in ... got set up in triage. Expected to just get pain meds and go home and pray and hope I got some sleep.. I had 13 days left in the miserable life of so much fluid. Well, I was 4 cm. So the contractions started doing something ! Well they wanted to give me breathine and steroid shot for his lungs fluids and another visterile. Well.. I declined the breathine. If my son is trying to come on his own even though he is early I am NOT stopping it to just be induced with pitocin anyways! I have a heart problem and the breathine would make it worse. Well they weren’t to happy about that. (Sorry not sorry) they kept me over night and I was checked by the male doctor who was on call and was super mad I declined the breathine.. dang douche bag almost had me flying off the bed ! He said I was still a 4. Well they didn’t check me till the next day when my doctor came. Which I progressed to a 5 at noon. My doctor also said if I went into labor on my own she wouldn’t stop it. So another reason I declined on call doctors orders. I received the steroid for his lungs though. Well, my doctor said I’m not sending you home with this much fluid and this far dilated. I’m breaking your water! 😳😳 well alrighty then! Let me tell you... I have never seen the flood gates open when she broke my water it JUST.KEPT. COMING! I just wanted the flowing to stop. It was hot and gross. Well I got my epidural because I was so tired of pain for days on in.. and I needed to relax for a bit to gain energy to push. Well I was slowly progressing. His heart rate was in distress I was put on oxygen. And let me mention THE AIR IN MY ROOM WAS BROKEN !!! So it was HOT and I am hooked to oxygen making it hotter and I am in tears at this point. They had me on a peanut ball and sitting straight up and moving all kinds of ways. Finally at 8:03 pm my son was born. 5 lb 9 Oz and 19 in long. And was discharged with me (: