what should i do??


i’ve been a couple days late to my period and i don’t know what could be the cause, i have a few reasons but to think i’m actually pregnant could be something i’m just stressing about..

so in febuary i took a plan b, after a hookup that i thought could potentially cause a pregnancy and got my period for the second time in that month, but about a week ago between my actual period and what i believed could’ve been a side effect to the pill... i got my period again in march after a cycle length from my “pill period”..

but with this month i’ve been waiting for the one that should’ve been two days (april 29) and it’s still nothing.. i’ve had sex the 26th (which caused a lot of pain) and then the 27th two separate times during that day.. do you think it could just be my period just trying to get in tune with the old cycle (which usually was the 10-18th) or could i have potentially have a pregnancy? i’ve used condoms every time i’ve had sex in the month of april so i don’t think i could be, please spare your thoughts.. thanks!!