Y’all Know How Make Up Sex is...

So we had a small disagreement. It was due to something unimportant, but my highly emotional pmsing self took it out of control and we had a nomad argument. To give you an idea of how bad it was... we never go to bed angry, we always solved our problems before sleeping, but this time it was so bad that we didn’t talk and we definitely didn’t work it out before bed.

So we are both still ticked the next day and it takes a whole day of problems solving n’ shit to get to a better place... we also have a habit of fucking our disagreements away.

So that night, we solved our issues, for everything off the plate and we start fucking. When I say fucking, I mean hard fucking.

He ripped off my clothes and pushed my legs in the air. It was a tight squeeze, then a quick release and a hard pound and he was in.

In and out

In and out

In and




He exploded inside me.


I’m like,

And he’s like,

And I’m like,




He says to me, “hunny, I swear I didn’t feel it coming this time. It was like I was new at this again.”

Our Make Up Sex session lasted less than 5 minutes and I had to wait an hour for him to be up to par.