I don't want baby presents, what do I say to people?


***I know this is extremely trivial and materialistic***

My daughters 1st birthday is coming up. She got a ridiculous amount of presents when she was born (close to 100) and barely got to wear half of it. I'm expecting another girl so it's fine she can wear them.

I've had both sides of the family ask what to buy her for her birthday. She still has unopened Christmas presents but plays with the same few basic toys that she loves. I don't want a house cluttered in toys.

I don't want to come off as ungrateful but I don't want her to be spoiled with toys and not appreciate them. I'd rather practical things. I'm only having a small party for her with just family, not inviting friends or their kids.

I'll then be facing the same thing when my next girl is born. I don't want people wasting their money on clothes she won't get to wear.

So any suggestions on practical gifts instead for both girls? Thanks 🤗