Feeling alone

Is anyone else in a relationship, but feel alone? I’m 39 weeks pregnant, my boyfriend and I have been trying to get everything ready for her arrival. When I say my boyfriend and I, I feel like I’m doing it all alone. I’ve been doing all the laundry, all the cleaning and all the organizing and even set the car seat, stroller and swing up myself. He’s done a couple things which of course I’ve had to force him to do and then ask again and again to be finished because “he needed a break” such as set up her dresser and bassinet. He gets home from work and instantly decides that he deserves to relax and play video games...which I get work sucks, but I need the help and when our daughter gets here she’ll need him as well. I just got onto maternity leave a couple days ago and he’s acting like I’ve been home forever and that when he gets home if everything isn’t done I’ve just been lazy. Asking him to do anything is literally like pulling teeth because he’ll “do it later” since he’s trying to relax or whatever he’s doing. I’ve been doing everything for us and our daughter and she’s not even here yet. I had asked him what if she has a full diaper or is hungry and I ask you to do it, you can’t just say “I’ll do it later” he seriously said no that’s a different story...that’s a mommy job! Like are you kidding me?!?! Raising a child should not be a one way street. I’m not gonna be able to do all of this alone and I really need his help with it, but I don’t get any at all not even help with folding and putting his own clothes away anymore. What the hell am I supposed to do?!