Lost .....

18 + 2 and feeling physically okay, emotionally not the greatest. It seems like since I've been pregnant, the further along I'm getting, the less my boyfriend and I are getting along. He's been short tempered with me, and just seems angry in general if things don't go his way. We just moved in together in March, and I've been trying my best to work on the house and take care of him and make him happy. He's a self sacrificing person and I keep trying to get him to do things for himself and take care of himself, but he's been getting irritated with me and telling me I'm telling him what to do all the time. Meanwhile, I'm trying to take care of myself and our baby on the way, and feeling stressed and in a never ending circle of hopelessness. Pregnancy has not been what I thought it would be. I'm super grateful and anxious to meet our baby, but I'm worried things won't be good for the child to be around. The last thing I want is to expose I know I'm more sensitive than I used to be, but he never treated me this way before. I feel like this should be a happy time for us...Nervous and hoping this is just a rough patch and things will get better.