tmi? uti

I quit breastfeeding in March, towards the end of it. The beginning of March, my boob went from a C to a DD and I had painful lumps and it was rock hard. I went to the Dr. and got put on augmentin for mastitis, a ten day course of twice a day pills. At the same appointment, I got tested for a UTI (that came back positive after a culture). I was miserable and so tired, trying to fight the two infections and deal with my almost two year olds resistance to weaning and sleep training. My primary care doctor said that the Augmentin should kill the UTI and the mastitis, so I shouldn't take the Keflex that was recommended for just the UTI. The swelling and pain in my breast went away after two days, and the lumps after about 15 days. The first week of April I was on the fourth week of a period. I talked to my OBGYN and she thought the birth control I was on was causing the painful periods that lasted forever. So I got an IUD later that week and got my Nexplanon taken out 3 weeks later. At the appointment to get the Nexplanon out, the UTI symptoms were still persisting even though I had completed the antibiotics perfectly as prescribed, and I brought that up

in my visit. They tested my urine again and sure enough it came back positive again. I don't know why this UTI won't go away, but I'm not sure if they are aware of the first UTI or not. And I was told the Augmentin would help. Now I have to deal with another course of antibiotics and I'm pretty sure the first gave me a yeast infection. Ugh I'm just so sick of having this. Just had to vent.