Contractions every 5 minutes sent home from hospital

KC • Mama to an 18mon old little lady and baby boy is due May 9, '18❤️

So frustrated. I had some gushes of fluid yesterday morning and contractions all day that progressed to every 5 minutes from 1pm-9:30pm. They were getting stronger but still very tolerable so I didn’t want to go into the hospital but my family and doctor’s office encouraged us to go. Only dilated another .5-1cm (3.5cm now) since my last appointment and I wasn’t leaking amniotic fluid so I was of course sent home. Contractions have stopped and I’m 39 weeks today. Obviously it’s always better to be safe and get checked but still annoying when I knew that would be the outcome and had to spend the money on a “false alarm” labor and delivery visit.