Crazy Pregnancy and Birth

Emily • Mama to Kooper

So, throughout my pregnancy, I showed almost no signs of it. I had no morning sickness, no real cravings, very few mood swings, and I looked like I gained very little weight (even though I gained almost 45 pounds). Exactly a month before I gave birth, I started getting heartburn. If it weren’t for the fact that I was extremely regular with my period, I would have never guessed I was pregnant in the first place.

The real excitement starts though on January 22 where I was almost 36 weeks. That morning, I kept getting what I thought were Braxton-Hicks contractions. They were painful but since I was feeling a bit sick, I didn’t think much of it because I read that they could be painful when you are dehydrated. So I went to work as normal and even worked a Basketball game (nothing dangerous, I just collected tickets). I even told my boss I thought it was Braxton-Hicks. Eventually, that night, the pains stopped.

Jump to Thursday. I was at work and it was about 1:30 in the afternoon and I realized that I hadn’t really felt the baby move since Wednesday morning and I was a bit worried. I texted my sister and asked her what to do because she’d had a baby a few years ago. She said to drink a cold, sugary drink to get the baby to move and wait 20 minutes before calling the doctor.

So I did that, no movement, so I called the doctor. They told me to head to triage. So I tell my boss I need to leave and head to triage. During this time, I’m texting my husband at work to keep him updated. At first, he was just going to head home and wait for me there and though I wanted support, I was okay with that because I didn’t think I would be long. Instead, he did decide to come down.

Anyway, when I got to triage, they got me all hooked up and whatnot and finally asked me the all important question... “You can’t feel those contractions!?” Apparently I was having some serious contractions and couldn’t feel them but they were strong enough that I couldn’t feel the baby through them. They checked me and I was 3cm dilated so they tried to stop the contractions with medicine. When they checked me again, I was 5cm and I wasn’t going home.

At 2:30 the next morning, I got an epidural and sometime between 5:30 and 6:30, they broke my water.

At 11:34AM on January 26, exactly 4 weeks early, my little Kooper Jaykub was born. He was exactly 7lbs and 20in long. No problems whatsoever.

I had one wild ride of a pregnancy and birth but I wouldn’t trade it for anything,.. especially with this little guy right here who is just over 3 months old.