Bf wants a pretty truck not a baby lol

So we just found out I am pregnant!! Very exciting....for me.

My boyfriend tells me to get an abortion because he was planning on buying a new truck! I asked why? (The truck he has now is a little older but he brags about how good it is.) He said cuz the box is rusty etc...

Lol like really? I told him maybe he needs to prioritize his priorities and all he said was “whatever man I’m not into this at all” and then said maybe get abortion now and try again in the fall.... LOL and got off the phone cuz he was “busy”

Maybe he’s just still in shock? Think he’ll come around???

Edit - started txting about it.

He says were not ready. Which I guess is true. It wasn’t planned. We both have good jobs(his being better paying than mine) we both have our own place. We’re doing decent in life!

I just can’t fathom getting an abortion. Any tips on how to get him on board?


I think he’s changing his mind. Sorry if you can’t understand his txt he had a few drinks lol. I called him after that txt! Maybe it was the booze talking but he definitely sounds a lot better with it!!

(Lol and ya I’m a horrible cook, he’s a great one haha the garlic powder txt.. lol don’t judge me)