Early labor?

I am 34 weeks on Friday, baby is measuring 5 weeks ahead. Yesterday I noticed a stringy, clear cervical mucus. I’ve been really dry this whole pregnancy so this type of discharge was new to me. I called my doctors office, they confirmed it sounded like my mucous plug was coming away. Since then I’ve been losing more and more. I’ve also been pretty constipated with only small bowel movements every so often. Starting today I’ve had diarrhea, every time I wipe, I’m seeing more and more mucous plug on the toilet paper. Also I started experiencing what I think are very irregular contractions last night and today. I’ve had Braxton Hicks, they don’t usually hurt like these contractions hurt. I’m wondering if all this could be signs of early labor or if I’m just psyching myself out. When I called the doctors office yesterday, they said losing my mucous plug is normal, I should only be concerned if it’s pink or red tinged or if it comes out with blood. It’s only come out clear. What do you guys think? Should I be worried, or should I just relax and stop freaking out?

Some extra information, I do have gestational diabetes and we are expecting this baby to come around 35-36 weeks like my first did. He’s already measuring 8 lbs.

Also my amniotic fluid is generous, and they said that having an over abundance of fluid mixed with large baby could cause a preterm labor. So we are expecting to have a preterm labor, just not this early.