My birth story finally! 12 days overdue! LONG POST


My due date was April 4th and it came and went and I felt so sad... so we waited a whole week and nothing happened. I then decided to book my induction for Monday April 16th hoping he would come on his own.

I had an ultrasound when I was 7 days overdue and the tech said he looked so great and her estimation was that he would be just over 8 pounds.

During my NST on the Saturday before the induction I was 2cm dilated and baby was doing great. Just way too content inside!

On Monday morning we called the hospital at 6:30am and they told us to come in at 7:00am!

We showed up to the hospital and got put in our room.

The nurse came in and hooked me up to the NST machine again and my midwife showed up shortly past 8:00am! She checked me and I was 3cm. She decided to get the doctor on call to break my water at 8:30am and start me on oxytocin at 9:00am. By 9:30am the contractions had started and they were getting intense. I had 3 solid hours of pure HELL - all the pain was in my back.

Thankfully my partner was such a trooper and rubbed my back the whole time. By 12:30pm I requested the epidural. Let me tell you, those contractions waiting for her to do the epidural we’re awful!!

Once the epidural kicked in it was great! I could still feel the contraction in one spot in my back but it wasn’t bad at all.

I called my mom and my partner called his mom. They came and hung out all day while I laid there. By 4pm I was 5cm dilated.

I asked my midwife to check me at 5:30pm because I was feeling weird pressure. She was surprised that I was 10cm dilated.

My midwife asked my partner if he wanted to help birth our baby. By 6:20 I was pushing! And at 7:52pm my partner caught our son and cut the cord shortly after.

They weighed him and we couldn’t believe I had just birthed a 10 pound 2oz healthy baby boy!

Welcome to the world Lachlan!