Help!! Did my water break?


I’m not in a panic because I really don’t think it did, but I’m not sure if I’m leaking water or not. It’s about 95 degrees right now and I was outside planting a garden. I’m 37+1 today. I know, not a smart thing to be doing so far along in this heat. Anyway, I just came inside to go to the bathroom and grab a drink. When I sat down I noticed my underwear was soaked and had a certain kind of smell that I can’t pinpoint. I’m not sure if it’s just sweat or if I’m leaking amniotic fluid. I didn’t feel a gush or anything. I’m laying down down to see if when I stand up anymore comes out. I guess my main concern is what does amniotic fluid smell like if anything? I don’t want to call the dr if it’s just sweat but I’m not sure. Gross, I know. Thanks in advance for any info or advice!