any advice plz!!!!! CAUTION MAY BE TMI


okay my period is still a week away. yeasterday while i was at work I had some sharp pains in my lower abdomen and this morning when I woke up I had blood on my underwear and in my urin I figured okay period week early no biggie I'm have pcos so I'm use to my periods being irregular. but when I got to work to and used the bathroom there was nothing on my pad or on the tampon and nothing in my urin like it just stopped even when i wipe there nothing. I have one little boy he will be 2 in September and we want another one but my doctor wants me to loose weight so we stopped trying and focused on me looking even used condoms and birth control the pill but I haven't used the pill in awhile I started having allergic reactions to them so we said forget it.. I've lost 20 pounds. what do you guys think is going on plz be nice I've had too many miscarriages to give my hopes up of bei g pregnant again ill be happy but I don't want to give mine or my husbands hopes up