Uh hello veins?


Y’all I’m hoping this is my month for real because I’m having symptoms I’ve never had pop up and I’m not usually a symptom spotter but everywhere I look online says this is a af sign? So I had cramping yesterday at 7 dpo and it was kind of af’ish but just different well that lasted until earlier today then just stopped. Now about 3 hours later I’m changing out of work clothes notice something odd on my leg and look up in the mirror and I have DARK veins covering me on chest up to shoulders up to neck, on legs, in groin, bottom of my feet. I’m a fairly pale person and always notice some veins showing but I have never seen them this dark and in all these locations. Is this truly an af symptom because she’s still 6 days away and I’m over here looking like a zombie in a horror film kind of freaking out. Anybody have this before and was it af or bfp sign for you?