Dog/sister advice?


I’m staying with my parents for a few weeks(not in my home state) while my husband is at training(military) and I have our 1 year old English bulldog with me. He’s completely trained and FANTASTIC around children. My sister and her two kids are also staying with my parents for the next 1-2 weeks while her house is under construction(her ceilings are being replaced). Where my parents live they are going through a late pollen season and EVERYTHING is covered a green pollen film. My father, bil, and I have SEVERE pollen allergies,My niece and nephew have had sinus infections and sore throats for over a week now(since the pollen started)but my dog and I have been at my parents for only 2 days.

My sister told my mom and dad that I need to get rid of my dog cause he’s making her kids sick... mind you her kids grew up with TWO dogs, a pit bull and shiba inu, and she got rid of them a few weeks ago when her husband deployed cause she essentially didn’t want to take care of them. Also her kids have been around my dog MANY times, pretty much every other weekend since my dog was 8 weeks old, and they have NEVER gotten sick before. My dog is bathed and groomed every week, the house is cleaned and vacuumed every day and I hand clean the washer and dryer after washing any dog blankets/towels which are NEVER mixed with anything else. The only dog hair there could possibly be that isn’t on my dog is in the trash.

My parents told her no that I’m not getting rid of my dog cause her logic on it is flawed but now my dog has to stay locked up between 3:30-7:30 when her kids are home and still awake. He was trained to eat 6 and typically uses the bathroom at 5 and 7, however during the weekends my sister wants him locked up ALL day and night. Which I’m not okay with and feel my dog shouldn’t be punished because her kids are having allergies to the pollen that she doesn’t want to address. What would y’all do in this situation ??