To chop or not to chop...


So, I’ve had long hair basically my whole life. It’s always been a struggle to manage such curly, thick hair without looking like a triangle head or having a serious mom cut. I feel like I’ve found a good system for the last couple years and have been enjoying my curls. Now I’m considering cutting it to a “curly shag” 😬 I just feel like my long hair doesn’t feel like ME and doesn’t necessarily suit my face. I feel like it makes me look older than I am when I wear it down. I just always wear ponytails or buns lately because I feel like it looks better with my face shape. BUT if I chop it it will take years to grow back as curls grow super slow... And bangs are super risky with curls, I really have no idea what my texture will be like if I cut it. I’m also worried I have too much volume for the cut? Just super on the fence obviously!

What do you guys think? Is it worth the risk? Do you think the cut would suit my face?

Please give me all the opinions! 😘


The “curly shag”:

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