Had a lil scare today

Ann • 29. mommy to three angel babies. Have a 8 month old boy and currently pregnant. Live in Wisconsin.

Felt like I had a UTI so I called my OB and she put in an order for a urine sample and when I wiped I had pink spotting. Not a lot. It it still scared me. Any time I’ve spotted I miscarried. So I went over board and went and got checked out at the walk in. Did labs and an ultrasound. Labs came back perfect and everything lined up to my due date. Now the ultrasound, we found baby no problem and the lil bugger was moving all over the place! Doing headstands, moving it’s legs and arms everywhere and but the end of the ultrasound baby had it’s hands over their face, probably tired of getting pictures taken lol. I’m on pelvic rest until I see my OB on the 9th. Was such a relief seeing baby moving! Doctor at the walk in said that the slight cramping I do have is from gas 🙄 lol but everything is great. Baby has grown so much that he or she is two days ahead of what I thought.

Now I have a question. Baby’s heart rate was 174 in the beginning of April, now it’s 159. Is it normal for the heart rate to lower slightly? I forgot to ask the doctor when I saw her.