New Alarm Clock

I have really bad nighttime anxiety partly due to my sleep disorder (Circadian Rhythm Disorder). One of the main reasons I find it hard to fall asleep is the fear that I won’t hear my alarm go off in the morning or I’ll be so deep in sleep (ironically, I’m a heavy sleeper) that I won’t hear it go off. This has happened in the past mostly because I rely on my phone as an alarm clock and I can’t tell you how many times my alarm wasn’t loud enough to wake up or it never went off after I set it. I bought one of those old twin bell alarm clocks (see picture) and tonight is my first night to try using it as my alarm. I hope it works a lot better than my phone’s faulty alarm clock. My grandma had one when she was a kid and she said they work extremely well. Wish me luck! If you use this type of alarm clock, feel free to share your experiences in the comments!