Please help pregnant and 13


Hello ladies, I’m 2 weeks pregnant which is really exciting but the problem is that I am 13 years old.. and I know a lot of girls say that they are pregnant when they aren’t but I actually am I took 3 tests and all were positive. I’ve only told my best friend. Do I wait until my parents get suspicious or tell them? How do I tell my boyfriend? Help me please! UPDATE - I told my boyfriend and his parents, then we all came to my house and told my parents. They were extremely upset but understanding. Going to see a doctor on Thursday to confirm my pregnancy. ANOTHER UPDATE - Girls, I appreciate all the supportive messages I have received. But I do have to admit that I was very hurt when I read the comments about me being a stupid child and how I should get an abortion. Yes I know that I am 13 and I have learnt my lesson and now I have to face the consequences. I’m sorry to all of you who are disappointed in me. Just contemplating life now