Someone tell me what I fear isn’t true.


Don’t even know why I have sex anymore, since I get so worked up over pregnancy. My cycles are a normal 27-28 days long, usually always on time. So basically I was ovulating the 29th, highest chance of pregnancy by the apps calculation. This also scares me. Supposed to be getting my period may 15th. I’m going on birth control whenever I can get an appointment. But we didn’t have sex, we just grinded penis on vagina contact. He finished but nowhere near me, the precum is what scares me. We had sex before that but he finished in a condom. He didn’t pee which I hear kills sperm sometimes in precum and I’m concerned it somehow sucked into my vagina haha. My friends say I’m fine and my bf is reassuring me I’m okay because we didn’t have actual sex but my mind still worries. I’m the type of person to just keep thinking of excuses for the worst. And idk if it’s just my mind but I keep feeling like I have cramps and feel like I have weird discharge but again it could be my mind, and I know cramps are a sign of fertilization, basically it doesn’t leave my mind. I’ve read and it says it’s not likely but I’m just worried since I was ovulating with like a 30% chance of pregnancy:( I’ve read so much but again I just can’t get it off my mind. My gut tells me I’m probably fine but who knows ***I FEEL LIKE I HAVE CRAMPS AND ITS 11 DAYS BEFORE MY PERIOD** google says its a sign of implementation and I’m fucking scared right now. My ovulation has ended but sometimes my period comes early. Could it be early pms? Someone please help calm me down! I am literally convinced right now