divorce.. Please HELP


Hello everyone. last week my husband of 2 years (been together 5 yrs... we're both 23) decided he was unhappy and wanted a dissolution. how do you get through this? I am breaking. He said he needs to get himself back financially stable & happy again, etc. he's pushing me away so much and is so cold... almost treating this like a break up. He said he wanted 2 weeks of alone time or space.. but we both own our house. i dont wanna just leave MY home because he's unhappy and wants me gone. we don't have kids, so this may not be too hard for some people. but I need honest advice from someone who has been through this.. I'm mentally broken😔😢😭 I need someone and you guys are the ones I'm turning to for help. He doesn't wanna work on things he says this is his "only option" and needs to be happy again. Can anyone help? please?