Can't decide...


So despite what I was sure were early pregnancy symptoms, now I'm sure AF is on her way. Negative hpt's and lots of cramping. It's looking like my next ovulation will fall right in the middle of our weeklong vacation. On one hand, how nice will it be to have unlimited "us time" during this; on the other, will I be putting pressure and stress on what's supposed to be a relaxing, fun time by ovulation testing? Should I leave the clearblue digital out of it this cycle? Thinking about leaving the preseed at home too cause that stuff is expensive and I don't want to waste it. Husband will not shut up about the hot tub that will be on the deck of our cabin and I want to slap him. Hot tubs are bad for sperm!!! He's so excited to drink and relax in the hot tub "every single night, babe" and I'm over here like