Baby measuring small?


How would I know if my baby is measuring small?

I had my scan at 22w and won’t have another until 36w.

For me this is completely new as I had 5/6 scans with my first and 6/7 scans with my second, all growth check up scans because they were measuring ‘small’. (1st was 6lb6 2nd was 7lb13).

However this time I haven’t been offered any more in between.

I’m a bit worried as people don’t even know I’m pregnant. I am so small, put on 2lb (which I honestly believe is all the crap I’ve been living off!)

I’m 25w2d and have not been measured by my midwife yet. I am due to see her in 3 weeks time which then she will hopefully use the tape measure to measure my bump.

Can your midwife refer you for a growth scan? Or will she just go by the results from my 22 week scan? (Which yes - she was waaaay under the middle marker point, but they said she is fine!)