Toddler always smearing poop

I need help. My daughter is 2. She has recently started a thing where EVERYTIME she poops, she smears it all over herself. She will just grab a handful and play with it. It’s absolutely disgusting. Even when she has a sleeper on, she just unzips it and digs away.

We have been trying to potty train her but she just doesn’t get it. We take her every 30 minutes and she won’t pee on the potty, but yet pees right through her underwear then says “ew” and waits to be changed. She doesn’t tell us when she poops, or pees. Doesn’t have many of the signs saying she’s ready. But we are trying.

However.. I can’t handle this. She started this about 2 weeks ago. I’m 7 months pregnant and can’t handle a toddler doing this with a newborn 😩

I tell her no, I put her in timeout.. she doesn’t care. When I catch her, she just goes “ew” and holds her hands up to be wiped off. I’m losing my mind 😩😩😩😩

Edit: she IS in diapers. 🤦‍♀️ we are trying as I’m watching for signs. I was simply stating that she’s NOT ready for potty training so people don’t try to tell me her doing that is a sign she’s ready. She’s in diapers and didn’t start doing this because we tried to potty train. She literally just started because she figured out she can do that