Guys - I had sex with my boyfriend on Monday and halfway through he said “Babe where’s the condom? It’s not on anymore where did it go” and sure enough there was no condom on his penis. So I freaked out and thought he never put one on but he said it was on and then it was just... off? Of course I didn’t believe him even thought we have been together for a while!! It was so shady!

Fast forward a few days later - I have been having cramp like pains but closer to my actual vagina since that day and I thought it was my period so I haven’t been having sex.. well today me and my boyfriend were getting all hot and heavy and he was fingering me and he felt something 💀 so he pulls it out and I feel immense pain followed by relief and sure enough it was the condom! From Monday!! Today is Friday!!!!!

I HAVE to know if this has happened to anyone else. And - should I go to a doctor or is everything good down there??