Stray doggie 😒


Okay so sad and happy story..

I got a call from my mom around 9am and she said please please go try to find a stray dog I seen on my way to work. So I went to where she told me and yelled for a dog. I yelled and whistled for about an hour. Then I walked a bit down the road nothing there. Till I looked in the last place here comes a little dog wet and scared.. she wouldn’t come to me for an hour and I could tell she had been abused 😒 this was her right after I got her home

Now it is 2 days later and I can tell that she is warming up to us ❀️😻

Still skinny but getting bigger.. and she doesn’t duck and close her eyes when I try to pet her. Lol and yes i know I can’t type well or right story’s well but I just

Had to share.. also I named her Layla

My fiancΓ© lol

Update number1

She’s so skinny and cold I put a baby shirt on her and she’s loves it lol she fell asleep in it