5 months later, but here’s my birth story! ❤️🤱🏻


My daughter was born just over 5 months ago and I’m just now getting to write her birth story.

She is my rainbow baby. After my son was stillborn at 26 weeks, I knew I really wanted to be a mom. We conceived my daughter very quickly. Maybe 2 or 3 months after losing our son.

Anyway....so the day before thanksgiving, I had an OB appointment. I was 38 weeks pregnant. The midwife checked me and I was 4cm dialated and 75% effaced. She told me to go in the Monday after thanksgiving to be checked again if I didn’t go into labor that weekend. My husband really wanted the baby to come Monday so he wouldn’t have to work while I was in the hospital and so his paternity leave would go right into Christmas leave (he’s in the army). So he refused to have sex with me to avoid me going into labor lol. He also made me take it easy and not do much (but if course I decorated for christmas!) the weekend and went and I went to see my OB Monday morning. He checked me and I was still the same 4cm, 75% effaced...ugh! I mentioned that the midwife said I could possibly be induced a week before my due date because of what happened with my first baby. So my doctor told me to go home, go for a long walk, and go back to be checked again around 4pm. Now, I was a little annoyed because I had about 3 hours of shows to catch up on lol. But I went home, did some stuff while watching one of my shows, then took my dog for a nice long walk in the cold. About halfway through the walk, the contractions started and got pretty bad. I was thinking about wtf I was gonna do if it got so bad I couldn’t walk, but luckily it didn’t come to that lol. So I got home and did a couple more things, then put away some laundry and took a quick shower and off to the doctor we went! He checked me and I had dialated to 5cm. Yes! He sent us to the hospital, and by 4:30pm I was in L&D.; I told the nurse I wanted the epidural as soon as I could get it. With my son, I waited so long for the epidural, I was screaming from the contractions, so I wanted to avoid that. One of the nurses came to start my IV and couldn’t get the damn needle in a vein. I was getting SO mad!! She tried 3 times before finally getting it and the whole time I was trying to be nice. Anyways...so I get the epidural and I’m getting pitocin and things are moving along...my husband decides he’s gonna run home to walk the dog and grab something to eat. Ok, that’s fine, we live like 7 minutes from the hospital so whatever. Then the nurse checks me and I’m 8cm dialated. She said my husband should probably come back, so I called him and told him to hurry. He came back quick and before I new it, it was time to push. My god was that awful. The “ring of fire” is really no joke. At one point, mid push, I yelled “WHY DO PEOPLE HAVE SO MANY KIDS?!?!” Everyone laughed lol. Then the doctor told me her head was right there and I didn’t believe him because he kept saying she was almost out and like wtf, why is it taking so damn long? So he let me touch her head and omg it was nasty and slimy and I definitely said “eww,” but also it was kinda neat. Then finally my little girl was out about 4 hours after being sent to the hospital and about an hour of pushing! It was honestly not as emotional as I thought it was gonna be considering the loss of my son, but I was so happy and my husband was great through delivery and just sat in the chair and didn’t talk and just held my hand lol. Emma Patricia was born on 11/27/17 at 8:48PM. She really is the best baby we could have hoped for. 💕 Then they brought us to the maternity ward and the nurse who brought us over asked if we had any questions and I literally looked her in the face and was like “yeah ummm.....what do we do?” Lol. So yeah, that’s my story! And here’s my little stinker:

1 day old

5 months old