Gestational Diabetes 2 weeks before delivery


WTF. Because this pregnancy isn’t already difficult enough let us just add another thing to worry about. 🙄

For those who have had this, what numbers are considered high when monitoring? My doc said anything 70-90 when fasting and <120 two hours after meals. I’ve been seeing varying numbers online as well when I’ve been reading up on this.

This AM my fasting was 89mg/dL. My 2hr after meal was 143mg/dL. The first one is normal, the second, according to the numbers my doc gave me, is not.

The docs don’t want me to change anything, just get in more protein. I’m essentially in bed rest due to other complications, so exercise is impossible. I don’t eat a lot of sugary things - the main thing I ingest that has sugar is Outlast Popsicles - you know, the organic berry ones. That and fruit. No soda, no candy, no cakes and such....I just don’t eat those things. So I don’t even understand why I have this and why it is happening now, two weeks before I am scheduled for a C.