2nd time around.


so last cycle i did on clomid at 50 mg on days 4-8and 2000 mg of metformin. also was taking ovaboost and fertil cm. i ovulated late on cd 25-26. this is the first time i was able to ovulate and catch it with an opk. as i have pcos and it is very hard to spot ovulation or to know if ur ovulating at all. that cycle ended in disappointment as i got my period the day it was due. im not gining up hope. as this cycle i am on 100 mg of clomid on 4-8 again and 1500 of metformin. im still on ovaboost and fertile cm. im taking fish oil and i purchased pre seed to help with cm. so the good news is so far i ovulated on 5/1 cd 18. i have my fingers crossed that this is the cycle that will bring my husband and i the baby we are longing for. we have been praying that we will be blessed soon. please keep us in your prayers