posted this in a dif group, I'm just so confused


Me and my bf have been dating for 5 months, I'm aware that this is an extremely short period of time but I've been getting more and more miserable each day. I don't think we have good communication between us, he has blamed me for things out of my control on countless occasions, he has told me that our relationship is boring to him - he apologised a day or two after that but it still hurt me immensely. I don't think I'm a boring person. I try really hard to make him feel content and I've went out of my conform zone countless times for him. Our last fight happened a week ago and he was mad because I couldn't hang out with him and his friends. I explained to him that I didn't have money to hang out because I was saving up so that we could go to the cinema later that week and then he got mad because I refused to be a charity case and refused him paying for me. I have a bit of a money situation that I've never had before and I feel embarrassed having to admit that I don't have the money to pay for basic things, like going out into town with friends or heck even getting lunch or coffee while I'm at uni (things that are super freaking cheap btw). He doesn't get that.

I had sex for the first time with him and this sudden tension appeared right after that. It's really messing with me because I'm paranoid that he's just with me for the sex. He's a very sexual person and I just feel uncomfortable most of the time when it comes to stuff like that, I've been raised to be modest and quite frankly I don't see myself as a person who could ever be that sexual. He's pushing the idea of me using a vibrator and said that he'd buy me one for my birthday. I refused and I think he got mad.

Right now we don't talk. I'm waiting to see if he'll initiate something, because until now I've always been the one to contact him after a fight or just call or message him in general. He rarely asks how I'm doing unless I ask him first. I'm starting to hate him and hate what I've become - I feel like I'm regressing back to that miserable little girl whose every step was controlled by her father. He's so much like my father.

Any advice would be appreciated.