
Hey there. I’m a 13 year old girl who was diagnosed when I was 10. I first had a curve of 40 degrees but with about 5 months I had a curve of 45 degrees. I was given a brace and my curve quickly got bigger. Finally it was at 49 degrees. I had surgery and the final curve was 50 degrees. This was crazy because when the curve was measured it was the day before surgery meaning my back had curved one degree with one night. It’s been a few months now since surgery and I live in Australia where the Keyhole surgery is allowed. If you are able to get Keyhole , GET KEYHOLE. That will be the best decision of your life. But anyway I need help

It’s been over 6 months and I’m still experiencing back pain like the day of surgery. I need some exercises that are hard but someone with surgery can do it!!