I’m so pissed at my boy

Hey, I’ve been in a relationship for over a year now with a great guy. We met in college, and I’m from out of state so I’m going home for the summer, away from him for a while. I mentioned to him a few weeks ago that I wanted to spend some more time with him before we say goodbye, and he agreed. However, there has been a pattern of him scheduling plans with friends (which I’m totally fine with, I love that he has a social life outside of me), but it’s continually trumping our times that we usually spend together. He has even planned things with me and then cancelled due to spending time with other friends or doing other things. What really was the straw that broke the camels back was tonight when he said he would pick me up at 4:30 to go and do something. 6:30 rolls around and my friends are wanting to do stuff tonight with me, but I kept holding off because I thought I already had plans. I am so angry that he made me sit on my hands waiting for him, that I called him to ask him where he was. He said he “lost track of time” and I could hardly hear him through the phone it was so loud. He said he’d be over as soon as he could. He texts me not even a minute later saying he was a few drinks in and wouldn’t be able to come by for another hour to sober up. I texted “don’t bother” and he hasn’t replied. Usually I’m a really flexible person and I don’t mind when schedules get postponed or switched around, but I feel incredibly disrespected and put on the back burner especially the past few weeks. I don’t feel like I’m as valued as I was earlier in the relationship. Am I overreacting?