Third trimester blues?

Hi ladies, I’m 31 weeks today.

I don’t have any questions, I’m just venting I think. I have no one else to talk to about this that will understand. Today its just like a switch flipped. I feel really down and depressed today. My husband is the most supportive and wonderful man for me, he really is my best friend. Today he spent most of the day helping my parents paint their house, which is fine, they needed the help and he is capable and willing. But while he was helping them, I felt so alone, and I realized that I don’t really have any other close friends as support through this pregnancy. Most women will just want me to talk about how wonderful pregnancy is. I’m excited for my baby boy, but I’m also miserable. I’m in constant pain in my pelvis, back and legs. I don’t sleep, I’m terrified of gaining more weight. And I can’t talk to anyone about it.

I realize that other women have it so much worse, and I’m lucky to at least have my husband. But these thoughts opened up all these other feelings. I feel ginormous, I feel like I won’t be a good mother, im worried about how intrusive my mother and my mother in law will be, finances are so tight I wonder how we’ll even survive. I make more than my husband, and I won’t get paid time off for my so-called “maternity leave”, And of course there are all the things to be nervous about between now and delivery that can go wrong with my pregnancy.

I honestly just want to lay in bed and cry all day long.