9DPO and I really want to test!!

Ok so i am so impatient! And a self confessed poas addict! My addiction is serious lol 😂

I didn’t temp today because I didn’t sleep well and was up at 3:20 am to pee so I didn’t bother as it wouldn’t of been accurate. I will admit I am super hungry and tired. I am a bad symptom spotter and can’t help analyse every single thing 😂🤦🏻‍♀️

I do think af is coming soon though, I have fatty breast tissue in one of my breasts that is a mass of lumpy fatty tissue that comes upto the surface when I am due af and whilst it’s here and I’ve noticed it this morning so I am not hopeful tbh. I had a dip in temp at dpo 5&8, here I have posted my chart, any comments, am I out 😩😒🤞🏼

Thank you lovely ladies for reading my rant lol and I send u all tons and tons of baby dust, can someone please send some my way, I need it after over 5years of ttc with 4 losses including one ectopic!!

Much love 💕