Pregnant and breastfeeding toddler

Posted this in a general pregnancy too - looking for all the help I can get !

Hi everyone .

Just found out im pregnant with baby number two . It's still early as I just found out this past week .

I'm still breastfeeding my 17 month old and I would like to wean him off .

He still nurses quite often . 10+ times a day and screams if he doesn't get it right away .

I don't know what to do to wean him .

I know I can still breastfeeding while pregnant but personally I don't want to


My son always kicks my stomach when he is nurses and bites my nipples .

He also doesn't eat much solids other then yogurt and crackers and refuses it still as he rather nurse all the time .

Please any advice to wean off breastfeeding - makes me cry just thinking how hard it's going to be . I feel like it's impossible

I've tried eliminating one feeding at a time but he doesn't really have feeedings . He just wants to always nurse and throws tantrums if not