My TTC Story


hello everyone. I want to get my heartache out and share my TTC stories. My husband and I started to try Feb of 2016 however my Gyno had to help I stopped having periods for no reasons. she put me on Clomid. for several months nothing and having to up the dose. Then we get a BFP in September and I miscarried in November. I was completely devastated. We stopped ttc for a couple months when my 14 year old sister announced she was pregnant and wanted us to adopt. We were naive and so hopeful. We have everything for our baby ready just found out it was a boy posted to everyone our plan. She called us about week 25 and said she found a different family.... I didn't think I could take any more. I was in a very dark dark place. my husband was lost and found comfort with someone else. he told me back in Jan 2018, I was still broken but surprisingly for giving since if I could have ran from my life o would have too. We have been going to councling every week and just stated TTC again. I'm so scared and so so excited.. im 7dpo