It’s a no for me dawg

some girl • Tina Belcher is my spirit animal

I’ve been when my husband 9 years married 8 years known him my whole life.

I’ve always told him I just want two kids.

And I got that TWO amazing wonderful kids.

A month after our daughter was born he got fixed so we couldn’t have more kids.

It was his choice. I just told him I definitely didn’t want more kids so I can have the surgery or he could. He insisted.

Over the past year or so he been joking about getting me pregnant and reversing the surgery.

And I’m like no thank you.

My daughter has one more year until she can start school. I plan on going back to school in early 2019.

I need to make something of myself for myself and my kids.

I love the idea of create another life with him especially since he couldn’t be in the delivery room for either of them.

But I just do want another kid.

Also we got pregnant and married young.

Once my kids go off to college I still have some sliver of youth in me. I want to travel and experience this world.