On tuesday May 1st, i thought i was leaking amniotic fluid so i called my nurse and she told me to g...

On tuesday May 1st, i thought i was leaking amniotic fluid so i called my nurse and she told me to go ahead and go to the hospital where i plan to deliver. I arrived at the hospital and they tested to see if i was leaking fluid. the test came back negative but they decided to keep me the rest of the night to be monitored because i was having small contractions. They checked my cervix several times thru the night. I woke up at 7am the next morning to get my cervix checked again and i was at 4cm. The doctor went ahead and broke my water and i got the epidural. I was in active labor for 7 hours. Once it was time to push, it only took me 10-15 mins to get my son out. Compared to the horror stories i have heard about birth, i had an easy one. I delivered a 6lb 12oz healthy baby boy on May 2, 2018 at 2:58pm.