
Terria • January 2, 2018 🤱🏾🍼💕

Does anyone else absolutely hate their electric pump? I got it because I heard people say how wonderful it is to have one.

I keep thinking maybe it’s just the electric pump I have that is crap but it just takes forever to pump.

I used to have a manual pump and my milk just flowed, I could fill 2 bottles of 5oz milk no problem but now with the electric I can barley make one bottle. (Side note: my manual pump died on me and I’m too cheap to go buy a new one but I think I’m gonna have to suck it up because all I do is complain about how much I hate the electric one) I had the manual one for the first 3 months of my babies life and I want to breastfeed until she’s one.

I would love to hear from you ladies.